VCS Vermont


Students feel safe

Vermont Christian School provides children a safe learning environment where students are not only sheltered from the world's influences, but also taught principles from God's Word in their daily devotions and school work.

Using the award-winning ACE education program, our students learn to set their daily goals and are paid "Merits" upon completion. The merits can be used to buy items from the Merit Store.


The Bible is taught
At Vermont Elementary, not only is the Bible taught for what it is, the inspired Word of God serves as a foundation for other texts as well. VCS students become familiar with Bible stories at a young age, and the truths in the Bible become more familiar to them


While the Bible is centuries old, it's a timeless lesson that is brought to life and is made relevant for students' lives today.

With this knowledge, our students have a better understanding of their curriculum as it relates to God’s Word. Click the lamp logo below to get more information about Vermont Christian School.
